The Red Deer (Cervus Elaphus)
The red deer (Cervus Elaphus) has a rich and ancient history and is the largest deer species in the United Kingdom. Considered native to the British Isles, red deer have been present since the post-glacial period.
Culturally significant in the UK for centuries, red deer are often associated with the Scottish Highlands and are considered an iconic symbol of the natural beauty of these landscapes. Red deer are also featured in folklore, literature, history, and art, their historic hunting was a pursuit of the aristocracy and royalty. Deer parks were established for hunting purposes, and red deer were carefully managed to ensure a sustainable population for this purpose.
Protected under wildlife conservation laws in the UK, efforts focus on maintaining healthy populations and preserving their habitats. Red deer are known to sometimes interbreed with introduced species like sika deer, this can result in hybrid populations. Conservation efforts are made to monitor and manage these interactions, thus preserving the genetic integrity of the UK’s native red deer. An attraction for wildlife enthusiasts and tourists, many people visit areas with red deer populations for the opportunity to observe these majestic animals in their natural habitats.
A true large game species, fully grown adult males are typically between 120-140cm tall at their shoulders and can weigh up-to 220kg. Females are referred to as ‘hinds’, with the male of the species called a ‘stag’. The UK’s annual red deer ‘rut’ is from late September through to November, during the rut dominant stags will fight challenging stags to hold a harem of hinds and calves. Post mating season, red deer will return to solidarity or smaller same-sex groups. Red deer are an exciting species to hunt and offer international hunters a wonderful opportunity to visit some of the UK’s most remote locations.
Where to find Red Deer with Jeger Guides & Outfitters?
Red Deer survived the last Ice Age, and have since become adaptable to various habitats, including woodlands, moorlands, and grasslands. Red deer are found throughout different parts of the UK, with notable populations in the Scottish Highlands, Lake District, Exmoor, Norfolk, and other regions.